You will build an Abundance Mindset
You will experience inner child healing by releasing pent-up anger and resentment
You will clearly visualize your grand goals
You will learn to apply Universal Laws to achieve success and fulfillment in life
You will Magically manifest your goals with the power of 108 group energy.
Your scope for growth is limited by your background, knowledge, or support network
You are powerless to change what you don't like
Shortchange yourself and chase meaningless goals
You don’t have what it takes to be personally happy and professionally successful
Know and apply the Universal Laws to achieve success and fulfillment in life
Develop mastery over your mind
Breakfree from the false beliefs about your limitations
Commit to excellence in all your endeavors
Tap into your potential for growth
Develop proficiency in many areas of life
Manage your anxiety, depression, stress, and fears
Make your comeback stronger than your setback
Achieve breakthrough from a temporary setback
Navigate traumatic transitions
Handle uncertain futures
The desire to live our best self is as natural to us as heat is to fire. The problem is not that we do not strive for excellence. The problem is that we strive for it in the wrong ways and give up thinking excellence is difficult to achieve. Yet the real problem is that our ignorance of the Laws of the Universe creates an impediment to our personal excellence.
To succeed in any area, field, or activity, it is very important to know the laws operating in that field. Just like the physical laws of nature do not need your knowledge of permission to operate in your life, so also the Laws of the Universe do not need your permission to govern success or fulfillment in life. Lack of knowledge of the Laws of the Universe keeps us stuck in mediocrity and a defeatist mindset.
With limited thinking comes a limited life. If our minds are messy, we mess up our lifestyles and when our lifestyles are messed up, our mental and physical health suffers. Every person who wishes to improve the quality of his or her life has to make the time and put in the effort to live a more confident and purpose-driven life. If you don’t manage your thinking, you cannot respond to life with confidence. Thus, it is important to learn to catch and alter your thoughts and beliefs before they become limiting and disempowering.
You will be optimistic about the future by believing and planning for greater success
Your growth mindset will result in progress in your personal and professional life
You will stop making excuses for your mediocre life and grab opportunities for growth
People will like to learn the secret of your ability to bounce back from setbacks
Join this 108 Energy Vortex to experience what happens when 108 people get together to create magic.
Our minds need consistent training in order to break free of limitations that prevent us from striving for excellence. In the Hack the Laws of the Universe Workshop, you will learn how to take your thinking to new heights and transform your mental landscape by understanding the laws that govern your success and fulfillment. As you strive to improve yourself, the velocity of personal transformation will speed up.
Learn Laws of Universe
Learn the Laws of the Universe that govern your happiness and success
Apply these laws
Learn how to apply these laws in your daily life
Mantra Chanting
Participate in short Mantra chantings and Guided Meditation to ground these principles into your reality
*You will get the opportunity to clarify your doubts in a Question and Answer session as part of the workshop.
Nivedita Ganapathi is a personal Transformation coach, motivational speaker, and spiritual seeker. As a self-awareness coach, Nivedita has transformed many lives by educating and inspiring people to jumpstart their personal transformation and live purposeful lives.
Here are some more details about Nivedita Ganapathi. She is a Harvard lawyer who gave up a lucrative legal career to pursue her calling and come from a deep lineage of ancient Vedic wisdom that goes back 5000 years. She specializes in helping clients to identify and release their limitations so that they can live at their highest potential. She has 10 + years of experience in coaching high-net-worth and successful career women in Silicon Valley, California. She has delivered motivational talks at prestigious universities like Stanford, the University of California, Santa Cruz, and corporations like Oracle, Linked In, and many others. She has over a span of 40+ years of training in different healing modalities such as Ho’oponopono, Reiki, Prana Shakti Healing, Access Conscious, Theta Healing, Tarot Reading, and Vedic philosophy
As part of our pay-forward to society, we at MPM have decided that proceeds from this workshop will be donated to a charity for relief efforts in Ukraine. Plus, we will use the power of 108 people to send positive energy to the war-ravaged countries. Looking forward to having you join this Energy Vortex and support this cause as well.
I am confident that you will love this program, which will help you in your personal transformation. However, for any reason, if you are not fully satisfied, we will be happy to give you a 100 % refund. Just send an email.